Friday, May 28, 2021

Watched Spectator Sports in the World

Experienced real estate professional Robert Myer leads Myer Enterprises, a real estate company that owns properties in Louisiana and Mississippi. Also an entrepreneur, he owns and operates Myer Retail Services. In his free time, Robert Myer pursues his interest in spectator sports.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines spectator sport as “a sport that many people watch,” such as “football, baseball and hockey.” The Collins dictionary added that it is a “sport that is interesting and entertaining to watch.” Sports data analysts have ranked the most watched spectator sports in the world using various metrics, such as global TV views, popularity in social media and word search, sponsorships and endorsements, and estimated number of fans around the world. As of March 31, 2021, here are the sports that emerged on the top of the list.

1. With a fan base of more than 4 billion, soccer ranks as the number one spectator sport in the world. In the 2018 FIFA World Cup for instance, a record 3.5 billion fans worldwide watched the tournament. The major football leagues, such as the UEFA Champions League and the English Premiere League are among the most followed sports tournaments on social media.

2. Cricket has about 2.5 billion fans, with most of them from Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, and South Africa. The 2019 Cricket World Cup was watched by close to 2.6 billion fans.

3. Hockey in both of its forms, ice and field, is the third most popular spectator sport in the world, a favorite of 2 billion people. In the US, Canada, and Northern Europe, people mostly watch ice hockey.

Watched Spectator Sports in the World

Experienced real estate professional Robert Myer leads Myer Enterprises, a real estate company that owns properties in Louisiana and Missis...